About Water Security

According to UN Water water security is “the capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being, & socio-economic development, for ensuring protection against water-borne pollution & water-related disasters, & for

preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace & political stability” (UN-Water 2013).

Ultimately, the result of water security means that people and organisations /companies have sustainable access to the quantity and quality of water they need, are protected from flooding and water-related diseases.

LuWSI Partners and Stakeholders have identified the main threats to city’s water security as being:

  1. Groundwater pollution
  2. Groundwater over-exploitation
  3. Unsustainable management of the Kafue Catchment
  4. Limited access to safe water and sanitation services
  5. Urban flooding

The simplified causes and effects of Lusaka’s water security are illustrated in the below diagram


Water security’s physical dynamics


Stakeholders relating to Water Security in Lusaka



Stakeholders relating to Water Security in Lusaka


C/O NWASCO P. O. Box 34358, Lusaka

+260 211 226 941/2

164 Mulombwa Close,Fairview, Lusaka

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