To strengthen information and evidence base for threats and risks to Lusaka’s water security.
Rationale: No single actor fully understands the complex multi-dimensional nature of water insecurity. Many actors carry pieces of the puzzle, but even if they come together, information gaps are still significant. Several studies have been undertaken to understand the impact on a single facet of water security, but Lusaka has never had an integrated approach to planning and implementation in which the full impacts and challenges regarding the water and sanitation, water resources management and integrated urban development jointly can influence water security. A comprehensive knowledge base would inform decision making, policies, activities and investments, to enhance water security in Lusaka and surrounding areas.
To mobilise partners and collaboratively develop activities/ programs, materials and messages for advocacy, awareness and education about water security using established partner networks and creating new ones through various modes of media and communication.
Stakeholders collaborate more effectively for water security
To deepen institutionalisation of LuWSI, strengthen project partnerships and increase knowledge and skills in key areas (such as cooperation management and collective leadership.
C/O NWASCO P. O. Box 34358, Lusaka
+260 211 226 941/2
164 Mulombwa Close,Fairview, Lusaka