Water Security Action and Investment Planning Process
About the WSAIP Planning Process
The WSAIP was a highly participatory stakeholder empowerment process delivering a multi-stakeholder owned plan to improve Lusaka’s water security, with the commitment of stakeholders to implement that plan.
The plan cut across water supply and sanitation services, water resources management and urban and land-use planning to create an integrated approach to understanding and improving water security. It will harness the synergies between Integrated Water Resources Management and Integrated Urban Planning.
It examined both the socio-economic costs of water security scenarios, as well as the costs, benefits and viability of different solutions to improve the situation. It will involve the financial analysis of key solutions, such that the plan provides a series of financially viable and investable projects which can be taken forward into development. Policy, awareness, capacity and advocacy actions will also be identified.
Outcomes of the process
During the development of the WSAIP, over 30 projects were ideated through different multi stakeholder processes that will have to be taken up by various institutions and partners for full development into proposals and possible implementation. Also as part of the empowerment process, 5 local areas were developed in accordance with integrated planning guidelines as prescribed by the Urban and Regional Planning Act of 2015. The LuWSI Steering Board prioritised a number of projects for 2020 which include:
- Natural Valley –Educational and recreational centre
- Ground Water Protection
- Water warrior’s concept
- Solid Waste Management concept
- Value of Water: Social Economic Assessment
- Faecal Sludge Management (FSM):
- E Citizen Concept
- Non-Revenue Water Concept
Some of the ideated projects fall under the Green Cities Adptation Program (GCAP) which is highly innovative Lusaka-wide resilience-building programme that focuses on Well Field and infrastructural development, Wellfield protection using strategies such as eco-recreational parks, WASH and Solid waste management as well as community empowerment. The aim of the GCAP is to implement projects that significantly contribute to a resilient and water secure city. Some of the projects under the GCAP include:
The Well Field Protection Project began in 2016 with Lusaka City Council, Water Resource Management Authority and Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company taking the lead on various components of the projects. These components included;
- Delineation of the wellfields so that activities could be regulated within the zones that were established.
- Legal gazetting of the land.
- Construction of boundary wall fences on the land that hosts the boreholes and pump station at Mass Media and Shaft 5
The project was prioritized due to unregulated activities within the zones that could pose a risk to groundwater. Informal housing, lack of a sewer network and encroachment on the land that hosts the 2 boreholes that provide approximately 27% of LWSC supply are a common characteristic in the vicinity of the wellfields. Hence the need to use the legal framework of Water Resources Management and Urban & Regional Acts that provide for ground water resource protection and development control in ecological and environmentally sensitive areas respectively.
Furthermore, the project aims at development of Eco-Parks on the wellfields as a long term measure against encroachment.
The Lusaka West Water Supply Project aims at developing a new wellfield and pipeline that will supply 100 businesses and the surrounding community of George Compound. The project also intends to establish a recreational facility for the purpose of avoiding encroachment on the wellfield. The intention of the project is to protect groundwater resources and to provide adequate water supply to the light industrial area and surrounding communities located in the western part of Lusaka City. With the current trends, Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company (LWSC) continues to face challenges in providing an adequate quantity of water to its customers, including major industrial areas in Lusaka.
Currently, LWSC supplies about 60% of its water from ground sources while 40% of the water supply comes from Kafue River. Therefore to ensure low cost delivery of its services to the customers, LWSC with support from its partners intends to protect the ground water resources in Lusaka West and harness it for guaranteed and reliable water supply for future generations. Groundwater yields and quality are increasingly deteriorating and the public water supply from Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company only serves a small number of companies and some of these find themselves facing intolerable water-related risks. The Lusaka Light Industrial Area has peri-urban residential areas such as George and Paradise, from which a significant proportion of the work force of Lusaka, comes from. These areas also experience inadequate safe water supplies and have experienced outbreaks of cholera. This presents a different kind of indirect water risk to the businesses of the Light Industrial Area – for example, employee absenteeism, poor productivity and medical expenses. Therefore, there is need for investments in water supply infrastructure to ensure water availability and security.
In an effort to mitigate the public water supply service deficit and deteriorating groundwater supply, LWSC, Lusaka City council, GIZ and other partners have joined together within the LuWSI Platform to undertake a multi-stakeholder partnership aimed at improving water supply for the Lusaka West Light Industrial Area. It also aims to improve water security (including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – WASH) for George Compound and other surrounding communities as well as to facilitate the protection of the groundwater in the Lusaka West aquifer. In order to be successful and sustainable, this multi-faceted project will be delivered through a multi-stakeholder partnership, with prominent water supply engineering (wellfield development and supply infrastructure development), water resource protection, WASH and community engagement components. It is expected the project will catalyze private sector investment, better public sector coordination and leadership, and increased civil society participation for better service delivery and enhanced accountability. The benefits of the project are likely to span across job security and growth, improved health and wellbeing of communities, better protection of water resources, and achieving impact beyond the project through lessons for policy strengthening and replication. The project will also significantly strengthen LuWSI by demonstrating its ability to coordinate and facilitate processes through its partners to tangibly improve water security.
The Recycling Alliance of Lusaka (ReAL) is a group of LuWSI partners dedicated to ending waste in Lusaka through a series of projects under LuWSI’s Green City Adaptation Programme (GCAP). GCAP focuses on protecting critical groundwater recharge zones in Lusaka specifically with initial intervention focusing on Mass Media and Shaft 5. GCAP’s overarching objective is to enhance human development and improve Lusaka’s living environment and overall climate resilience by demonstrating and initiating innovative, inclusive and empowering approaches to protecting, developing and utilising natural resources in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner. ReAL will initially focus on the integrated system of recycling of plastics and the sustainable management of hazardous waste in GCAP’s target zones – the Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC) Shaft 5 and Mass Media wellfields. ReAL will implement its projects through multi-stakeholder partnerships, with key involvement of private sector actors to help unlock investments in solid and hazardous waste management. It will simultaneously undertake a sustained and targeted drive to change citizens’ perspectives of what “waste” is and their behavior towards it; i.e., appreciating it as a resource instead of refuse and supporting a concerted multi-stakeholder effort to direct handling of waste from a linear to circular economy.
Lusaka City Council
Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company
Water Resources Management Authority
Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry